Evergreen Home Residents Society

The Residents Society is a registered non-profit charitable organization.

The objects of the Society as per the Memorandum of Association are:

"To provide social, therapeutic, financial, educational and personal supports for the benefit of the residents as a whole, or individual residents of Evergreen Home for Special Care including (but without limiting the generality of the foregoing) assistance with the purchase of furniture, equipment and appliances, with the provision, maintenance and operation of various modes of transportation, with the provision of and arrangements for education, recreation and entertainment, and generally helping to meet on a voluntary basis the needs of residents not otherwise met in the ordinary course of the operation and management of the Home."

The Residents Society owns and operates the residents' bus. The bus is used to transport residents to numerous events - sightseeing, shopping, visitation, movies, fishing, school etc. Sources of funds are fundraising events and regular/memorial donations which cover the operating and replacement costs.

If you wish to make a donation to the Residents Society,

Please forward to 655 Park St., Kentville, NS, B4N 3V7.